Thursday, October 3, 2019

Is Jehovah absent?

Many of us would ponder as to whether or not God is really here or if he will really help us and end the suffering of humanity as his apparent son had foretold. Is Christ Jesus really the one and only true God's son? Is Jesus really ruling in heaven today? My writing here is only going to be pure speculation and not always based upon evident fact, only a trail of logical reasoning.

Jehovah punished the first man and woman over something so basic as them eating of the forbidden foliage of a tree? Or, is there something a little deeper than that that had occurred, perhaps even the case of the story of Lilith? Even if the mythology of this Lilith was true, then she would just replace satan, it still does not explain why they would be punished over something as simple as the fruit.

Consider how over the ages, especially during the time of Christendom, how information about actual real events becomes distant from what really happened. Hence, how could Moses explain, other than speaking with YHWH, what really had occurred in Noah's day let alone the case of Adam and Eve? Was Moses a time traveler and went back in time? How could a God severely punish Adam and Eve and all of their descendants just for eating from the forbidden tree, under false pretense from the only other intelligent lifeform they have met other than each other, while David gets away with screwing Bathsheba with only an infant to be destroyed? How Samson got away with being in a relationship with a prostitute? How Moses was able to get away with having a wife from a forbidden people?

Maybe those in power only make the laws for the 'lower' ones in order to subdue and control them whilst they get away with their shit.

I was formerly one of Jehovah's Witnesses. They were becoming too suspicious for me, mainly the head management, and there sorry ass excuses to justify there un-loving teachings. I was not shunned, I just left after looking in behind the scenes since I am not in the habit or desire of being misled. Personally I appreciate and respect Jehovah and no other person is allowed to be intermediaries between me and him, maybe Jesus only.

Jehovah's Witnesses keep going on about how the angels help in the ministry work and keep giving their experiences in publications, often the Yearbooks they bring out every year, right. Okay then, if that was the case then why is there still elders and other members of the congregation that were getting away with child molestations and did not come to light until decades later, yet many still roam about 'scott-free'? Were the fuck are the angels then? Are these people really Jehovah's people as they claim to be? If they were Jehovah's own 'special' people than why did Achan NOT get away with hiding some treasures that the people were supposed to destroy, heck, even a whole fuck load of soldiers died just because of that, by losing the fight (Joshua chapter 7)? Which is more serious in your opinion, child sexual abuse (not just any sexual abuse) or SOME treasures that were taken from a destroyed city? 

Henceforth there seems to be no true religion.

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